
Boromine-10 is intended for use on all agricultural, horticultural and ornamental crops that require & respond to boron nutritional
supplement. It is compatible with wide range of fertilizer materials, pesticides, herbicides & fungicides, except high pH, cooper
element and oil seed crops. Its helps in pollination, Seeds & Fruits setting. Its helps in movement of sugar in growing part of
plants. This is effective role for nitrogen fixation and nodulation in legume crops. Boromine 10 reduces cracking in fruits &
vegetable crops.

Ingredients: Boron Ethanolamine, Boron – 10%, pH 8.6°1, Specific Gravity 1.3-1.4

Dose: Spraying : 250 ml / acre 200 Ltr. in the water

Drip: 500 ml to 1 liter. / acre 200 Ltr. in the water

Available Size:  100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1l.

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